417 Magazine Display Advertising
Specs and production guidelines for your ad in 417 Magazine.

Display advertising places visually appealing ads within the magazine. These ads are strategically positioned to attract readers' attention and promote your brand, products or services effectively.
- Spread*
- Bleed: 17 in x 11.125 in / Live Area: 15.875 in x 10 in
- Full Page*
- Bleed: 8.625 in x 11.125 in / Trim Size: 8.375 in x 10.875 in / Live Area: 7.5 in x 10 in
- Third Page
- Vertical: 2.35 in x 9.625 in
- Vertical Wide - Dining Guide Only: 2.575 in x 9.65 in
- Vertical with Bleed*: Bleed: 2.825 in x 11.125 in / Trim Size: 2.725 in x 10.875 in / Live Area: 2.875 in x 10 in
- Horizontal: 4.45 in x 4.65 in
- Half Page
- Horizontal: 7 in x 4.7 in
- Horizontal with Bleed*: Bleed: 8.5 in x 5.5 in / Trim Size: 8.375 in x 5.375 in / Live Area: 7.5 in x 4.9375
- 1/4 Page – Dining Guide Only
- 1/4 Page - Profiles Only
- 2/3 Page
- Good Times Great Cause
- Full Page: 7 in x 8.1042 in
- Half Page 3.3667 in x 8.1042 in
Production Guidelines
- Application Specs:
- Adobe Indesign: include Indesign document along with all fonts and images.
- Adobe Photoshop: hi-res, flattened tifs, PDFs, or jpegs
- Adobe Illustrator: convert all fonts to outlines and embed all images
- We do not accept Microsoft Publisher files.
- Margins & live area*
- All type and logos must be within the Live Area. Please don’t put critical information outside the live area. Clearly mark all ad materials with proper cropping instructions to avoid misinterpretation.
- Image
- All images should be high-resolution (300 dpi) and included with all design documents. We cannot accept web images that have been manipulated to a high resolution.
- Color
- All color, including photos, must be process separation (4-color) CMYK. If RGB is submitted we will convert and may lose desired color representation.
- File formats
- Acceptable formats are TIF, EPS, or PDF. When sending a PDF, please make sure any color bars or crop, bleed, or registration marks or color bars are not within the live or bleed area of the ad. Preferred format for camera-ready is PDF, 300 dpi, with embedded fonts.
- Fonts
- All fonts must be included with InDesign or Illustrator files. Include both screen and printer fonts. We can’t guarantee legibility of reverse type that is smaller than 6 points.
- Submission
- You can upload these through your client portal or submit them by email to your Account Coordinator.
- Publisher reserves the right to reject the materials of inferior quality or to alter incorrectly sized ads if the client cannot be reached.
- Proofs
- Our ad creation process includes three rounds of revisions. Please keep in mind that ads created by 417 are for 417 products only.