Branded Content follows our editorial style but functions as—and is labeled as—advertising.
Click here to see examples of Branded Content we've created with our partners.
Branded content is more than just an article about your company; it’s an opportunity to communicate your brand's values and engage your target audience through compelling storytelling. Rather than positioning your brand as the focal point, we integrate your brand as a trusted resource for valuable information. This subtle approach allows you to capture and retain the attention of potential consumers by focusing on educational content that resonates with their interests and needs. By providing insightful and informative content, you build credibility and trust, positioning your brand as a knowledgeable guide rather than a self-promoting entity. This strategy not only enhances brand awareness but also fosters a deeper connection with your audience, ultimately driving loyalty and long-term engagement.
Understanding your background, products and goals is critical when trying to create clickable content. Here are some areas we'll explore:
- What is the business’s history, background?
- What questions are customers asking the business?
- Why did the business decide to do the paid campaign?
- Are there success stories and people that could be featured?
- What is it about the business that customers say they love about you?
While there are lots of ways to decide how to approach a branded content article, these are some of the areas we’ll start with, though it’s a customized process:
- Customer success stories
- Industry / subject matter expertise & key insights
- Profiles on customers
- Community causes & corporate social responsibility initiatives
Parts of an article:
- Headline
- Sub-headline / Deck
- Byline
- Body Copy
- Image(s)/Video(s) - 2-4 work best
- DISCLAIMER / CALL TO ACTION (optional): This post was created by 417 Magazine on behalf of [your name]. Visit their site to learn more about [your specialty].
Branded content benefits:
We promote your story on our homepage, on multiple social media channels, through social media and in newsletters.
- You’ll receive a dedicated article with roughly 500 words of high-quality produced content (note: your brand will not be included in the headline)
- The story lives online forever
- Feeds onto the home page of or, resulting in high exposure
- Builds your SEO credibility by being associated with or
- Includes images, video placement, your logo and backlinks
- It’s yours to share, including an “as seen on” badge for positioning on your own site